Martin Luther King with this sentence encourages us to believe in our ability to face life, to move forward step by step without fear.
With this phrase we want to stimulate your creativity by providing some inspiration among the most beautiful staircases (to climb) that we have realized.
The staircase is not only an architectural element that vertically connects several floors of a building, but an element that plays a fundamental role in the design of the rooms because it defines their style. Planning the construction and finishing of a staircase requires attention and sensitivity, choosing the materials and their combinations.
The staircase plays a hybrid role
between pure functionality and the search
for new aesthetic lines.
Traditional materials such as wood can fulfill both structural and cladding functions. The wood enhances the load-bearing structures in metal or concrete in a cool material mix, typical of a modern style and gives a warm appeal to the most classic styles.
The beauty of a wooden staircase
We have realized the ideas of many architects and designers, adapting even to the most demanding requests, the result is always the same: the satisfaction of having created design elements that combine beauty and functionality; stairs that thanks to the use of our wood become an expression of aesthetic and qualitative research and that acquire value over time.
Step by step have we stimulated your creativity?
We provide the experience of our technical office for a consultancy or a customized design of entire areas. This is thanks to the possibility of choosing materials and their combinations, finishes, sizes, colors and their scents.
MFDesign floors and furnishing accessories are characterized by the opportunity of a design and realization "tailored" of your imagination.
Let's start together the project you have in your mind.